you are one of a kind. daddy and i can’t go through a day without saying what a great kid you are. you are now 27 months, if we want to be exact. you are saying full sentences for sure. almost talking too much sometimes. some of our favorite things you have said lately . . .
when walking into mama and daddy’s closet while i was cleaning it out… “wow look at all dis tuff!”
showing us tricks on your bike… “hey mama, daddy ook at this!”
when trying to calm samuel down… “it’s ok tam it’s ok tam!”
or my personal favorite when giving him his grover you say “it’s okay tam grover oves you!!”
you love to give every toy you can fit on his bouncer or swing…
you have been such a trooper staying at home with mama until you and sam get better. we have occasionally gone out for some drive-through. anything to give us a break right? you have been quite the picky eater. but you are still a great napper. you are still obsessed with anything cars or umizoomi. recently you have been singing a lot. you count from 1-10 all by yourself and are a pro with your shapes and colors. i’m hoping to start putting together some activities to get you more familiar with your letters! you started potty training this week. i’m a little unsure of what we are doing but you have proven to make this pretty simple for us too. we hope we can continue to improve on it and be diaper free sometime this year.
we love you jack jack.
ps. your toosh is the cutest in character underwear.