and happy as can be.
could you seriously get any cuter? i think not.
at five months you love to smile a very gummy smile.
you are “cooing” up a storm when you are happy and you are happy when someone is always nearby.
samuel you have quite the personality. it is a very sweet smiley boy who l o v e s to be held. if we put you down there are instant tears. you are attached to me and well, i’m a little attached to you. i’m working really hard on having you sleep in your own room this month. okay it has only been 1 night so far. we are trying night 2 as i am typing right now.
you are waking up a few times still in the night but you go right back to sleep. you love to sleep in but jack usually comes to give you kisses and “ugs” to wake you up. you have new spots to hang out in, in the house, like a high chair and bumbo seat. it will be exciting to see how soon you try to sit up, you are still a little wobbly. 🙂 you are starting to reach for more toys to your side which tells me rolling may be in the near future for you. you try to grab anything in reach including your brother. he just laughs and says “hey what sam doodin?”
your smiles make every day better and better. every month that is going by i am in disbelief. you are a growing little guy and life with you is about to get pretty busy as you start to make new moves and try new things! we love you little buddy!!
here’s to another amazing month!