i feel like it was literally just yesterday i was carefully writing up jack’s seven month update. i think i titled it “seventh heaven” yep its the same with you sweet samuel. my goodness i can’t get enough of you. no one can.
or shall we call you popeye?! ha! your sniffy smiles make you have some silly faces sometimes. i think you are working on those top
F O U R teeth right now. insane. you just got the bottom two through last month and now bam. time to move on to the next ones.
at seven months you are sitting up full time. you are also making your way across the room. inch worm style and so stinkin’ cute! you love getting into whatever jack has. you also have an obsession for computers, phones and anything that is n o t a toy.
your eyes make everyone melt. all the time. you are usually quiet natured, unless it is quiet, then you like to hear your voice. you are determined. daddy mentioned tonight how you really never give up with a fuss. you just keep trying. you still love to be held a lot. but that’s okay i do love to hold you 🙂 you are getting a lot better at sleeping through the night. you get up about 2-3 times and that i can live with 🙂 with you on the move its getting busier here. but a fun busy. what a more perfect time than summer for you to be on the move! can’t wait to see all you do this next month! we love you so much sweet samuel!