oh yeah we’re there.
and it is s o much fun! samuel at ten months you are really getting those teeth in. what a smile you have.
you can stand on your own but you aren’t too sure of it. you love to walk along and around things especially the coffee table and couch. you scare me every time you round those corners so fast. you are a crazy fast crawler. you chase everyone wherever they go and whenever you see a door open you are in go mode. you aren’t too crazy about being left behind in a room and you certainly let us know that. you are a very good listener when we tell you no. you also make a very good sad/mad face if it’s not what you want to hear. you make many faces that always have us laughing. you say “mama” “dada” and “mmm” when you are carrying on a rather long conversation. you raise your hand out when talking too. it might be one of the top million things we can’t get enough of right about now.
you are sleeping through the night and taking one solid, afternoon nap. you eat like there’s no tomorrow and i think i’m starting to feel it when i carry you around per your request most of the day. you have me contemplating a second hair cut already. you are a really good baby. really. you love jack and are happy when he is happy and sad when he is sad. you love to dance to music, especially when jack sings. we can’t believe we are only t w o months away from having a one year old. oh my. people say to enjoy it… it goes too fast. i enjoy every bit of it, probably a little too much. i am also realizing that no matter how much i enjoy it, it doesn’t slow it down.
here’s to t e n months little love.