samuel fulton,
it seems like every time i sit down to write up an update, when i type in your new age… i just squeal! how are we already here? oh sweet boy there is no other word to describe you besides joy! pure joy to be exact. at e l e v e n months you sleep through the night and have started to split up your one long afternoon nap into two. you are still fairly easy to lay down. we wind up your mobile and you cuddle up with a blanket and you are happy to go to sleep by yourself. such a big boy!
you are standing more and more but so far we have seen only 2 attempts at a step forward. you crawl really fast. you often raise both hands up and almost leap forward to get a head start. you love to dance to jack’s favorite songs. it gets us all giggling to see you recognize them.
you l o v e to eat. many times it looks like i haven’t fed you all day because you will eat it up so fast. when you see something you want you give a very serious “hum!” almost as if you are telling me “yes mama that right there! i’m ready for it!” you l o v e when daddy comes home, it makes his day when you go charging towards him and lay your head on his shoulder. you are such a lover. we are so excited about your first birthday party. jack especially. we don’t know what we would do with out you sweet boy. happy 1 1 months samuel!