to our littlest loves…
it’s your night tonight! pizza movie and popcorn on a pallet 🙂
fifteen months we are here!
it’s been a few months since your last update my samuel.
at fifteen months you are running after your brother as well as pushing him. you have a temper that i don’t remember jack having. sadly it just makes me laugh. you mainly communicate with your “mmm’s” and leading us in the direction you want us. you can say
“da da” – daddy
“ma ma” – mama
“da da ” – meaning doggy
” ma ma” – maudie
“ya ya” – jack jack
“ma” – more
and yes i think i’ll tell the doctor you know more than three words. because they can mean different things at different times of the day. you are a climber and you are fast. you attack the potty when you are given the slightest chance. it’s not pretty when we have to close the door to somewhere you want to go. you are still a great eater. you recently started dipping foods in ketchup. by the end of that eating session in the highchair you are a work of art. you are still a great sleeper. i’m still putting you to bed with your mobile on, blanket and paci. you are so quiet in the morning and really just enjoy your ‘you’ time. i can hear you make sweet noises while you talk to yourself (with your paci in of course). i feel like every time i turn around i am ready to get your hair cut. you have a pretty silly smile going on these days, it’s big and makes your eyes so small. i took these pictures today. i have aways wanted to take pictures here and well i only got two pictures out of our short time there, so we will definitely have to go back when the sun comes out and the rain goes away. we just got you this sweatshirt so you could sport your middle name. we love you big boy! you always know how to keep us smiling!
when we were little my best friend and i would have a list of things we could play together when we went to each others house. one of those things on the list we could do was to “play babies.” last week we realized we get to do it all the time now!
i don’t think i can ever keep the camera away from her baby doll though 🙂
she’s got all these cute accessories like hair bows and sweaters!
we just love our babies! maybe next time we will try to get in the pics with them!
happy birthday to papaw …
happy birthday to you!
ohhh this was a long time waiting… we just couldn’t get the timing right. between cold weather and fighting colds we had to keep pushing off our get together to celebrate papaws birthday. papaw and nana recently came over for dinner and a cookie cake to celebrate his birthday.
we love you!
two different times already!
it was so much fun to watch you jack! you giggled in amazement at all the ice we found and how “coooold” it was. we have been cooped up off and on recently but i wouldn’t have any other company than you two boys!
you wanted to bring the snow inside because it was too cold outside to play with it. oh my texas boy….
because of the cold weather, the dog has become way too spoiled. she has entertained the boys for the most part but there have been times it’s too much. we ended up creating a doggy gate with our toys. oh how i’ll always remember these days…
we are getting more cold and wet weather this week, so we may have to make another gate or i may just have to find an indoor play area to take you guys!
jack, this weekend you experienced your first scraped knee. i think you will survive. you had a hard time understanding that it will hurt even the next day and that the scar is still there.
“it will go away at mine and sams birthday party?” – while motioning that it will just float up in the air
you have really been loving the time we have together while samuel is napping. we are working on our letters. just one each week. you have noticed that when we learn a letter we “forget” to do a lot of other words that start with that letter. you do not like to get dirty, i don’t expect that to change at all. we found a way to have artistic fun without getting messy.. dot paint. it’s so much fun to see you excited about creations you make. you discovered how to make a smiley face, a tall person and a chocolate chip cookie! you love sending all your work to daddy’s office. daddy has quite a stack growing.
“daddy they can say who made that and you say jack made it!”
today you made an “x” with the swing chains and realized if you crawled in you could spin. oh the simplicities in life! thank you for teaching me to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. to be overly excited about little accomplishments we can make together and things that make us happy in general. i love you buddy. you are such a big helper for us these days!