fifteen months we are here!
it’s been a few months since your last update my samuel.
at fifteen months you are running after your brother as well as pushing him. you have a temper that i don’t remember jack having. sadly it just makes me laugh. you mainly communicate with your “mmm’s” and leading us in the direction you want us. you can say
“da da” – daddy
“ma ma” – mama
“da da ” – meaning doggy
” ma ma” – maudie
“ya ya” – jack jack
“ma” – more
and yes i think i’ll tell the doctor you know more than three words. because they can mean different things at different times of the day. you are a climber and you are fast. you attack the potty when you are given the slightest chance. it’s not pretty when we have to close the door to somewhere you want to go. you are still a great eater. you recently started dipping foods in ketchup. by the end of that eating session in the highchair you are a work of art. you are still a great sleeper. i’m still putting you to bed with your mobile on, blanket and paci. you are so quiet in the morning and really just enjoy your ‘you’ time. i can hear you make sweet noises while you talk to yourself (with your paci in of course). i feel like every time i turn around i am ready to get your hair cut. you have a pretty silly smile going on these days, it’s big and makes your eyes so small. i took these pictures today. i have aways wanted to take pictures here and well i only got two pictures out of our short time there, so we will definitely have to go back when the sun comes out and the rain goes away. we just got you this sweatshirt so you could sport your middle name. we love you big boy! you always know how to keep us smiling!