gramps came by the house today
today he checked out of his old office building for the last time. his company has been awaiting their move for a while. granny is so excited because it’s closer to home. i’m sure he is so relieved he doesn’t have to make the commute he has made for so long. i’m a little sad because i always took comfort in knowing he was around the corner if we needed him! we didn’t get to see him all the time but the visits and stops to check in on us sure were comforting! he says we can still come visit him at his new office
see you next week maybe?
ohh i just love him so much!
this afternoon, i thought we had samuel’s well check, we did and we made it on time. to my surprise i forgot i had scheduled jack’s 3 year check up too!
jack, you did super! you only had one shot and you cried a little. it was so sad you were so trusting on what was happening and then you looked at your nurse like “i can’t believe you did that!” oh sweet boy, you try to be so tough. you currently weight 37 pounds. your doctor, considered you a little hefty
and he thinks you may have a growth spurt soon. your vision is great and you loved showing your muscles!
mr. samuel you were a little nervous today but i could tell you felt better when you saw brother was getting checked out too. you added a new word to your list today… “abble” = apple. you also are having us laugh so much when you yell “ewooo!” = hello. you came in at only 24 pounds. you ended up getting 2 shots and a blood test.
you were not happy. you grabbed the bag and you were ready to go. you felt alot better when you saw an umizoomi sticker in the sticker basket. we are still in your first week of glasses and you l o v e them. we love watching you discover everything with them! you now love books which makes us even happier! it’s been a great week!
ps. today is taylor (18!!) and bailey’s (14!)birthday!! wow time flies so fast. so thankful for you two. a very happy birthday to you!
here’s to another beautiful year ahead for the both of you!