the other day i realized we are about at the 1/2 marker. our big boy is 3 1/2 years old. i think it’s time we do a little update just for him. oh jack, where do we even start? you keep our conversations going all day! usually with question after question 🙂 you love everything thomas the train and anything about cars. because of our recent cut back on channels, you have discovered the old tom and jerry episodes. you love watching that with daddy every evening before bed. you get to giggling so hard its pretty contagious.
{you haven’t noticed yet, but you no longer get to watch paw patrol or bubble guppies… i may have to pull that up on the computer when you do.}
you love going to our library. you are not a fan of library time but you love going to find new books and cds. you will climb up and check them out all on your own. you especially love your elephant and piggie books. these are so much fun to read to you boys. sam just screams and giggles when you do. it’s quite entertaining.
i feel like you have been talking non stop since your first birthday. sometimes you ask so many questions i’ll tell you to just talk to samuel for a minute. 🙂 surprisingly you really do. you love telling him what we are doing or where we are going. if you are not chasing each other, i can usually find you both on your bed reading books. you guys definitely have something special. we couldn’t ask for a better big brother for samuel.
you always want him to enjoy the moment with you.
today you couldn’t wait to play in the sprinkler with him!
he follows every move you make. if you do something he is right behind you waiting his turn.
you think your tennis shoes are faster than the other shoes you have. today we let maudie run with us and you couldn’t believe how fast she was.
“maudie is faster than my shoes daddy!!”
you love to sing and dance. when you hear a song, you always ask what the song is called and whose song it is. ” oh mama this is your song!” you have been calling daddy “love” or “richard” alot lately. it’s always out of the blue or when you are shouting for him and it always makes us laugh.
you still close our night prayers for us and ask us what we are thankful for. you usually have so many things that you are thankful for and we just let you keep going because well, we do have so much to be thankful for! it’s one of my favorite times of the day to hear all you remember from our day.
you love, love your cousins and you love hearing stories about them. you are still the pickiest eater in the house. your favorite foods are chicken nuggets, hamburgers, french fries, corndogs and tacos. today we surprised you and went to eat at your favorite burger place. you were so excited and reminded us “we haven’t been here in a lot of days… can we come back tomorrow?” jack anthony we love your excitement for each day! we love your love for samuel and for us. i still love when you come in the room in the morning and just want to lay with me for a bit. you are still a huge cuddler and i am so thankful for that because when you aren’t running around like a little rambunctious boy you can be, i usually get you right by my side 🙂 the times we find it difficult to parent you are the times i realize why God chose us to be your parents. you can really challenge us to stay strong! we love you like crazy little man. i can’t wait to answer all your questions tomorrow 🙂