after a horribly rainy end of spring… and memorial day weekend
this happened!
happy summer! the sun is here to stay!
{or at least it has for a good while}
this summer is going to be an exciting one! little sister will be on her way soon, so for now we are getting a lot done around the house… enjoying lots of playtime and trying to start good habits like going to bed like big boys!
for almost the last 3 years jack, you have had someone lay with you till you fell asleep. when we moved to the new house the same started happening for you, samuel. you two were a mess if we were to leave your room while you were awake. with two parents and two kids it seems like not a big deal, but knowing another little one will need our attention in the evening soon, as well as us needing the extra sleep… we thought we needed to try a new routine. we practiced reading two stories and saying prayers in your room and then lights out and hugs and kisses. if you went to bed on your own you got a happy face for that night. 🙂 if you did it all week, we came up with a simple reward to celebrate! we have been so proud of you two for trying so hard its almost normal now! the first week your reward was picking your breakfast for saturday morning.
jack, you chose chocolate chip pancakes….
samuel you chose a donut…
it has been three weeks of success so far and we couldn’t be a more happier family at bedtime! sometimes i realize we create our own problems and it can easily be fixed if we stay consistent. daddy and i are so excited that the rewards have been so simple… choosing breakfast, movie nights, and playing at the park!
cheers to less drama in the evening!!