jack anthony, as bossy as you can get being the biggest brother, your love for samuel is unreal. you are samuel’s translator most of the time and half the time you are wrong. samuel fulton, we could listen to you talk all day even when no one can understand you. you guys are so much fun to watch together. you two are competitive and you know how to make us laugh. you look out for one another and always want to make sure no one is left out. your favorite things to play together right now are restaurant {“texans cafe” to be exact}, building forts for your stuffed animals, building legos, blocks and lincoln logs. your favorite cartoons are peppa pig, paw patrol and most recently mutt and stuff. your taste buds are as opposite as your looks but you share a mad love for candy. you also share a mad love for your sister. some days can be quite the challenge with you guys but i would do each and every rough day all over again because … well, just look at you guys….
we pray every night that you only grow closer to jesus and stay close with one another. we love you boys.