four months
sweet anna kate, yes its winter but i had. HAD. to show off these thighs.
my little roly poly is four months old and i feel like the time is just going by so fast. you still love being held but we are finding you more and more content just playing with toys on the floor or in one of your contraptions. i officially moved you to the pack n’ play. i know a whole 8 feet from my bed. oh my. but hey it’s a step.
one more leg shot….
we still are unsure of your eye color but we know they are pretty so i’ll just watch them change day to day. i hate to jinx myself but i feel like your niagara falls of spit up is slowing down a little bit. or else i’m just really use to it. you are laughing a little bit more lately mainly at your brothers. yes they still love you and smother you but you let them know when you have had enough.
so many firsts with this age and most of yours is all the holidays …. can’t wait to celebrate your first christmas in a few weeks. get ready for alot of lovin’ from all your cousins!
we love you sweet ak.