i cant believe these last few years have gone by so fast. the monday before easter, samuel had his yearly eye exam with our favorite eye doctor. his prescription has changed just a tiny bit in one eye, but the doctor thinks he could use a little more wear and tear on his glasses before we get a new pair. samuel you did so great. you had a hard time with eye drops but quickly bounced back. i have loved watching you fill in these glasses. they fit you so well now. i’ve noticed recently how you want them immediately when you wake up or get out of the bathtub. you are such a big boy now and realize how much they help you! i also love when you draw yourself and make sure that you have your glasses on in the picture. you melt our hearts big time kid.
since the appointment was the monday before easter, we made a week of it and hung out in bc. mama got out and was able to visit with some of her best friends
{ didn’t get many pics to prove it, but memories are better 🙂 }
we enjoyed some rather cool afternoons that week, along with one sick day for jack 🙁
these guys made the best of the crazy week. so thankful for the two years samuel has had his glasses, for yet another good eye doctor visit, for the visits with friends i miss so much and thankful for these babies who keep me on my toes.