the day we have been waiting for for almost two years came in HIS perfect timing of course. because of the distance of the hospital our doctor had us set up for an induction on a tuesday, not my first pick but it was earlier than my due date so i was thrilled. we knew max was scheduled for this day unless he came on his own for weeks. it wasn’t until after i had received my epidural that daddy was looking at his phone and said we have to name him maximilian! today is maximilian kolbes actual birthday!
and so on january 8, 2019 we welcomed maximilian augustine
“ i have called you by your name, you are mine.” – isaiah 43:1
it was an amazing and easy delivery! we cannot be more grateful for our doctor and her care. we could also not be more thankful for having family close by again. our new big brothers and big sister loved every bit of their time with family before welcoming our maximilian home after a few days.
maximilian augustine you were worth the wait! we love you more than you know.