peppa pig! it’s your favorite and ours too! on your second birthday you got your very own pair of red rain boots to jump in muddy puddles. after the busy holidays we enjoy celebrating you at our home. this year gramps and granny, nana and dana and her family joined us in celebrating the sweet little guy you are.
at two years old you are an adventurous little man. always trying to keep up with the big kids. you still havent had your first official hair cut but its coming soon! you love peppa pig, lightening mcqueen and dinosaurs. you are quite the talker and love music! your current favorite song is mr. blue sky still and you really enjoyed all the christmas music we just had playing. you love chic fi la, chic fi la sauce and any bag of chips. you are also a lover of fruit!
mama and daddy still let you stay up a little later each evening to watch a peppa pig or two together.
we love you so much maximilian augustine! you will