maximilian augustine!
we feel so bad, your third birthday is not at all what we wanted it to be for you! however, we were grateful that you were up for the little celebrating we did do.
after the new year we all took turns with some version of covid we are pretty sure. you were hit pretty hard. you were down all the way until the day before your birthday, then it was daddys turn. luckily we used door dash and amazon and your siblings were a huge help! we gave you a dinosaur birthday just like you wanted!
maximilian at t h r e e years old you can hold quite the conversation. your smile through those eyes melts hearts. you snack all day and even at night 😂 i pick my battles. you love the days we get the kids at school. you think their friends are yours. your favorite music is jacks playlist. you give the best hugs and kisses. you are forever our answered prayer! you’re a good boy max…the best!