here i am! i promise i wish i could write up each day we have together, but it might get a little repetitive and you boys and a very growing baby girl take almost all my energy. i miss staying up late. i miss playing around with all of our pictures. but for now we can just get a big post of like three weeks in one!
unfortunately it’s not that exciting because by the second week the stomach bug caught our house and clouds filled the sky. this mama almost thought there wasn’t an end in site, or even a glimpse of sunshine.
we have been to houston and back a few times. first trip was to celebrate samuels one whole year in glasses. samuel your doctor could not have been more pleased! she said she wishes all her two year olds loved their glasses as much as you do. you got a slightly different prescription in the right eye. we ordered you a new pair of glasses, as you were definitely ready. the first pair of glasses has seen better days. we don’t know how you saw through all those scratches.
back home, we are still loving every bit of library, especially the story time that you boys attend. you mainly love checking out movies but we still do enjoy a few good books.
our so called spring break week was spent very close to home. we were suppose to see our cousins but the bug got us and got us good. it took a good week plus a few days for everyone to get it and get over it. the only excitement we saw was on st. patrick’s day – which included a trip to the near by sonic and our neighborhood park.
jack it was your first time to swing on your own! you did not want me to push you at all. i was very excited for you.
samuel, sweet thing was just so happy to sit and swing, just a little. it has been so long since we had our swing set, everything is new to you again.
daddy was hard at work on a beautiful weekend. he made two gates for our deck to help keep the kids safe and the animals off i am so proud of him! now we’ve got some painting to do.
the bug continued to drag on… so there was a lot of this…
and this when we were feeling a little better…
then finally… after a good nights rest in our own beds, the sun came out and you kids were finally back to your sweet, silly- selves!
since we survived … {and i missed the wonderful halfway- twenty week – pregnancy picture} i was able to get a twenty-two week picture
oh girl, i am growing. i would love to say it’s you growing sweet girl, but i am feeling it everywhere. i am so scared of this hot summer ahead of us. i may be caught playing in the sprinkler with the boys. they are so excited about you. jack is so interested in what you might look like and what you can hear and feel. i am one lucky mama…
your big brothers are 24/7 entertainment…
and finally to end this extra long “catch up” of a post another tee-ball game on a beautiful saturday morning….
and a quick little trip to bc for bailey’s f i f t e e n t h birthday!! so much fun!
it was a fast trip for just mama and samuel ( and anna kate ) but as soon as we got back, you brothers were inseparable….
and ready for new adventures again! or maybe just library