caroline agnes is the newest little love this valentines day. we were lucky to have erika photograph these little loves after new years.

how sweet it is to be loved by these babies!
happy st. valentines day
thanksgiving 2021 was one to remember! we were blessed to have almost the whole family together. we also celebrated the news of the future addition to our family. the family needed a new excuse to party in the shed together.
congratulations to sweet bailey and her new fiancé!! we are so excited to have bryan join our family. cheers to a beautiful couple inside and out. excited for all the planning ahead!
merry christmas and a very happy new year! what a year 2019 was for us as a family. we reflected so much on what a year it’s been for us growing in all areas.
jack anthony you have really grown so much, mentally, spiritually and physically. this last year you grew up through a move, receiving your first confession as well as your first holy communion. you really impressed us on the field in football this year too! we know it’s your first love. you are the best third grader ever. rca has helped you in the areas i knew you needed the most. you have become much more confident in your work and we couldn’t be more proud of you! you also have grown more in love with your siblings. i know you wouldn’t call it love but listening to you and samuel laughing so hard and talking at night makes this mama so happy. you are a good kid jack.
samuel fulton, your heart couldn’t grown any bigger if it tried. you have lost your place as middle child this year and now share it with anna kate. im not so sure y’all share it well though 😂… i absolutely love your relationship with jack and your relationship with anna kate. you are the best brother to each of them knowing how to play seriously at times with jack and just get fully imaginative with anna kate. maximilian is your “go to” to cuddle with. you have done so well with rca this year. you are really good at working on your own and still staying so creative. you are the best when we ask for prayers always remembering to pray for people by name each night. this year we learned that bohemian rhapsody is dangerous to play when you are around. so glad to capture you with a shirt on.
anna kate frances, my girl! you are the sweetest sister the boys could ask for. all of them. i love watching you with maximilian. he adores you and your room! you are my go to when i need help. you know just how i like things put away or where to find anything we are looking for. unlike the boys, i only have to ask you for things one time and you are off to actually do it or look for it. it amazes me every time. i am so excited for this year head for you! you may try your first dance class and are so excited about it.
maximilian augustine! you proved to me that “another baby” to the mix wasn’t just another baby. you were the first baby that did not allow me to eat as i please. you also decided i was the only one who could hold you for quiet some time. you are our little answered prayer in so many ways. you challenged us in our parenting skills but i couldn’t be more thankful for all we worked hard on this year. oh man how i love you so much. people give me a hard time because you always want me, however, i know this phase will pass one day so i just embrace it and love the feeling of being just that needed ♥️ or wanted.
life is beautiful, it’s messy at times, also full of chaos and sometimes leaves us begging for a very early bedtime. but to know this is our vocation, this is what we get to call our family and our home. we are so blessed. looking forward to what this new year will bring.
another great family vacation at gulf shores! we missed chad and mendy and their crew, as well as gramps and granny who weren’t able to make it either. richard fought off a sting ray to keep things exciting and there’s nothing like our late night visits. we say it all the time but we are so very blessed to have each other and that we all make the time to get together. there’s nothing like family and i am so, so happy that our kids are getting to experience this with cousins as their best friends. ❤️
can’t wait till the next time!
we did it! we drove it in two days 🙂 and made some stops along the way…
pictures were not great but you have to document that we took you to see the grand canyon, even when the kids aren’t feeling it 🙂
you kids were definitely feeling the beach life though. we enjoyed california for an entire week! i have to say… we were not ready to leave. it was a week that we got to visit with nana and her sister, aunt freddy. we did a cook out with the family, met friends to have smores, enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and even fit in our first trip to disney land. we literally enjoyed every minute of it and we are already talking about the next time we get to go back…
oh goodness, i know, picture overload but daddy and i just loved every bit of this trip… we created such great memories. and as always, we love seeing you kids explore with such fun and excitement! the road trip back got long but y’all were troopers through it all.
seven! seven years with this little dude. you have truly surprised me this year. you have come out of your shell and you just really enjoy things! you now love to draw and have been working really hard in your school work. writing and reading is getting much easier for you. daddy and i love watching you when we go places. you just soak it all in and reassure everyone how great it is.
jack, at seven years old you are set on being a football player when you grow up. your favorite food is macaroni and cheese. your favorite thing to play is anything sports related. you love your family so much it makes our heart so happy.
happy birthday buddy! we love you so much!
it’s been such a fun summer. i can’t believe this weekend has already come and gone… we kept it simple and stayed in. we made lots of yummy food, had lots of dance parties and watched a few storms pass through. the boys declared this was “the best day ever.” they are so awesome…
having a blast every. single. minute.
so with the extra far move away from best friends last summer, we made the best of a mini vacation. there’s no reason for them to travel all the way here to us. so we figured out a way to both get a mini vacation with traveling about the same distance. and we actually did it! we headed down to concan for a three night stay. there was lots of sunshine, lots of splashing and of course lots of fun with our babies 🙂
we enjoyed every bit of it! we already want to go back. so happy these crazy kids actually got to know each other.
{funny, i don’t remember playing babies with this many baby dolls 🤔😂😍}
great friends to make great memories with!