you can thank your teenage cousins for your style…
yes, i got you guys up and headed out the door all for the sun to still be too bright. :/ i’m determined when this rain clears out to go back in the evening. i can’t believe how much more they have popped up after easter! this is mama’s favorite part of spring….
who says its hard to get three kids to look at the camera…and smile? i completely agree with them. these kids are so loved, they still got an ice cream cone to celebrate.
this quick trip was actually before jack’s first tball game of the season. mama went to visit nadia before their new addition arrives 🙂 jack and samuel only had one night to play with joshua during this visit. the poor thing ended up with a fever after the first night we got there. they still played their hearts out though. the weather was perfect. there was lots of swinging, riding “joeys” and telling knock knock jokes…
{first time in gramps and granny’s high chair plus the first time to eat a graham cracker}
thank you gramps and granny for letting us soak up the gorgeous weather with you!
anna kate frances, i think you are loving seven months. you are trying so many new tricks!
you recently said goodbye to the swaddle at night 🙁 but you are handling it much better than mama …you are trying new foods like avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes and apple sauce. you liked it all and then hated it all but now i think you are back to liking it all again. you love puffs and graham crackers for sure and you love picking them up by yourself. you have been feeling under the weather for the last week due to allergies i think but it doesn’t stop you from having fun. you get super excited when we start walking upstairs. i think you know it means playtime. you love swinging and jumping. you love music, especially the baby kangaroo song. its pretty darn cute to watch you when the song comes on. life with you just gets better and better. we are so excited and a little nervous to see you on the move!
happy 7 months anna kate, we love you!
anna kate frances its your h a l f birthday!
yep i’ll say it again. this goes way. too. fast.
at six months you have 2 new bottom teeth. you are basically a pro at sitting. you will do everything you can to get the television remote control. this includes scooting like crazy. you are a go getter for sure! you love jumping. we recently got you a johnny jumper and you are quite the performer in it. you still are a great nurser …even in the night 😉 you got your ears pierced hopefully for the first and last time 😉 . you recently started panting like a dog when you get excited over seeing something. jack gets a kick out of that. you start to giggle when others do. you love the boys company and already love watching them play upstairs. daddy and i are constantly asking each other
“isn’t she the best?”
happy half birthday littlest love!
we love you so so much.
oh little miss forgive me for all the pictures, but my goodness…
five months looks cute on you….
anna kate you make everyone happy. at five months we know you love to nurse. you love to sleep near us. you are still swaddled and i’m so scared it won’t even be for much longer. {i love the swaddle stage} you are laughing and singing a lot. you always need a burp “blanket” with you because a cloth just isn’t gonna do the job. you are rolling over from back to tummy just in this last week. you are trying so hard to get to the things around you. it was on our trip to chad and mendy’s that i realized how much you were reaching out and grabbing for toys! you were the biggest blessing this last year. we are so thankful for god’s perfect timing with you. happy five months!
we love you ak!
four months
sweet anna kate, yes its winter but i had. HAD. to show off these thighs.
my little roly poly is four months old and i feel like the time is just going by so fast. you still love being held but we are finding you more and more content just playing with toys on the floor or in one of your contraptions. i officially moved you to the pack n’ play. i know a whole 8 feet from my bed. oh my. but hey it’s a step.
one more leg shot….
we still are unsure of your eye color but we know they are pretty so i’ll just watch them change day to day. i hate to jinx myself but i feel like your niagara falls of spit up is slowing down a little bit. or else i’m just really use to it. you are laughing a little bit more lately mainly at your brothers. yes they still love you and smother you but you let them know when you have had enough.
so many firsts with this age and most of yours is all the holidays …. can’t wait to celebrate your first christmas in a few weeks. get ready for alot of lovin’ from all your cousins!
we love you sweet ak.
jack anthony, as bossy as you can get being the biggest brother, your love for samuel is unreal. you are samuel’s translator most of the time and half the time you are wrong. samuel fulton, we could listen to you talk all day even when no one can understand you. you guys are so much fun to watch together. you two are competitive and you know how to make us laugh. you look out for one another and always want to make sure no one is left out. your favorite things to play together right now are restaurant {“texans cafe” to be exact}, building forts for your stuffed animals, building legos, blocks and lincoln logs. your favorite cartoons are peppa pig, paw patrol and most recently mutt and stuff. your taste buds are as opposite as your looks but you share a mad love for candy. you also share a mad love for your sister. some days can be quite the challenge with you guys but i would do each and every rough day all over again because … well, just look at you guys….
we pray every night that you only grow closer to jesus and stay close with one another. we love you boys.