jack, what a great season you guys had. we wont forget the hard work and time you and daddy put in to t-ball this season. we met some great families and had some good times! now on to the next sports season!
what a great get away we had! southern california was so good to us. we visited with family, had a night out and just enjoyed the sites and our time together so much! anna kate you were a trooper on the flight and learned a few new tricks this week. clapping your hands and waving hi to everyone, you had people just squealing over you and no it wasn’t just me and daddy. jack you loved the beach so much! the first visit was a lot to take in but then you fell in love. samuel, you and sand were love at first site. you even poured a handful on your head. just for fun. crazy kids… you were excellent travelers which excites mama and daddy for many more future adventures ahead!
{our week in southern california… best told in pictures}
{nothing better than freshly bathed babes}
i would say our first family of five vacation was a success!
until next time…
yes, i got you guys up and headed out the door all for the sun to still be too bright. :/ i’m determined when this rain clears out to go back in the evening. i can’t believe how much more they have popped up after easter! this is mama’s favorite part of spring….
who says its hard to get three kids to look at the camera…and smile? i completely agree with them. these kids are so loved, they still got an ice cream cone to celebrate.
this quick trip was actually before jack’s first tball game of the season. mama went to visit nadia before their new addition arrives 🙂 jack and samuel only had one night to play with joshua during this visit. the poor thing ended up with a fever after the first night we got there. they still played their hearts out though. the weather was perfect. there was lots of swinging, riding “joeys” and telling knock knock jokes…
{first time in gramps and granny’s high chair plus the first time to eat a graham cracker}
thank you gramps and granny for letting us soak up the gorgeous weather with you!
we are getting artsy on the magna doodle. like all the time. samuel, i could watch you draw all day. i kind of do. you take your time and try and try again till it really looks the way you want it. mike wazowski is your favorite person to draw…
jack, i think samuels love for drawing is rubbing off on you. you are much more proud of your work and we are all so excited that you are writing new letters. you discovered you could do it all by yourself when you drew a basketball game with ut vs tcu. this is a picture of you mad that ut lost a game. you and your sports crack me up…
the thing to do outside these days is make mud pie. it is an all day kind of event. well, because mama isn’t letting you back in the house till you are ready to take a bath…
baby girl loves her daddy and loves being held…
she’s not too sure on this election coming up but we all tried to do our part….
sometimes love can make you do crazy things…
about a month ago daddy called me up and asked if he could take jack to a ut basketball game. its jack’s new hobby, all. things. basketball. seeing as how we have a crazy semester going on, i asked if we { me, samuel and ak} were invited too. i told daddy it could be a fun family trip, despite who was playing basketball :p …. it really was a great day. the kids were awesome and we all had a great time! anna kate, you were a trooper.
and jack, you were in heaven. samuel you were probably the best little brother to hang out all day, in a burnt orange shirt, just for jack.
until next time austin…
are here…
oh man this february weather is too awesome. we had to go out for day t w o to soak up some more sun.
three happy kids at the park is pretty irresistible…
anna kate it was your first time to swing! oh it was such a joy to watch you. you of course could not contain your smiles.
jack, you brought your basketball and made quite a few shots. you played more on the court than the playground! so fun to watch you do replay after replay and all your slow motion shots 😉
and samuel… sweet boy, if pig pen was a real person i think it would be you. you are all about being barefoot and getting dirty. you want to explore everything you can get your hands on. a day at the park and we are blessed enough to come home and still enjoy the outdoors…
we have quite the mural on the driveway but it looks pretty awesome. there are lots of funny faces and new letters that jack is exploring in writing. the teacher in this mama is having too much fun watching that! i know it is quite a few weeks away but i’m looking forward to the longer evenings already!
{selfies for daddy while he’s at class}
its out with the old and in with the new.
we got teeth growing in and teeth falling out.
we are working so. hard. on potty training samuel.
let’s just say you are challenging us good son.
grad school just got real. for daddy and us.
we are gearing up for a new tball season
and curious about whether one will wait another year to start soccer….
and all the new adventures that come with a skilled new sitter and emerging scooter…
never a dull moment. at. all.
i seriously love this vocation. the highs and the lows and the times i just need to escape for a bit.
i tell daddy all the time it is my dream job and i couldn’t be more thankful for all i’m learning from you babies.